It started as a dream and that dream became a reality when in 1955
Robert R. Linn, Sr. founded Bay Haven Yacht Club along with several area
businessmen. Articles of incorporation were signed and Bob Linn became
Bay Haven Yacht Club's first Commodore. The club by-laws were
established outlining the governing of the club. Two years after
incorporation, the club received their liquor license granted by the
State of Michigan. The founding fathers of Bay Haven Yacht Club sat down to design the club's burgee (a swallow-tailed flag used by ships for signals or identification) to represent the club. When leaving the club after sunset, members could see the dark sky and Big Dipper which would be in full view as you looked North. Bayshore Yacht Club's burgee is dark blue with 8 white stars, seven of which are the constellation Ursa Major (the Great Bear, or the Big Dipper) and the eighth being the North Star, stands alone. The blue background represents the sky, the sea and mountain lakes.
The first year of existence, yacht club dues were set at $15.00 per
year with an initiation fee of $25.00. As the marina grew in size,
so did the yacht club. During the mid-eighties, the club boasted a
roster of 700 members. Each night the club was open it was standing
room only at the bar and impossible to find an empty table. Today,
membership totals about 350. The club is open Wednesday through
Sunday during the summer months and Friday nights during the off
season. |
Current Club Hours: Wednesday 5pm-11pm Friday 5pm-Midnight Saturday 5pm-Midnight A 3% convenience fee will be added to tabs paid with credit cards |
Bayshore Yacht Club 1862 Ottawa Beach Road Holland, MI 49424 616-399-9844